Vastum Reduces Waste Collection Operational Costs by up to 30% with Slovakia Municipality on Helium

martes, 19 de septiembre de 2023


Vastum by Heliotics provides cities with smart waste management solutions that constantly monitor waste in every type of container. These solutions include prediction, analytical modeling, and route optimization.

After two successful proof-of-concepts, Vastum has launched the first level of deployment with several large cities in Slovakia, working with Elkoplast waste collection equipment.


The city systems previously relied on fixed schedules for waste collection regardless of actual fill-level, leading to unnecessary routes to reach empty containers. This resulted in wasted fuel, labor hours, and other resources.

Some of the implications of these unoptimized systems include: 

  • Increased Costs: Fuel, labor, and machine hours are all directly impacted by the efficiency of the waste collection systems.

  • Overfilled Containers: While some empty containers are collected, overfilled ones may not be prioritized. Overfilled containers can attract pests, create litter, and frustrate citizens.

  • Missed Collections: In traditional systems, it can be difficult to know if waste containers are missed during collection.

  • Elevated Carbon Emissions: Unnecessary fuel consumption leads to higher carbon emissions and additionally degraded air quality.

Results Snapshot

  • Up to 30% Reduction in Operational Costs: Monitoring and optimization of waste collection routes reduces operational costs by up to 30%.

  • 100% Elimination of Overfilled Containers: With 24/7 monitoring, operators are alerted of filled containers before they lead to overfilling and litter, resulting in cleaner cities.

  • 3 Data Points: Sensors collect location, temperature and fill ratio information to optimize vehicle routes and estimate the frequency of visits and fill levels.

  • Reduced Carbon Emissions & Environmental Impact: Demand-driven waste collection minimizes unnecessary routes, reducing fuel usage and emissions.


IoT technology to improve waste collection processes by using smart sensors that provide real-time readings of the fill level of containers with the objective of reducing container overload and optimizing collection routes.

These smart containers can then transmit their real-time fill level information to waste collectors. Using this data, waste collectors can select optimum routes for waste collectors with areas in urgent need of cleanup on priority while avoiding units that still have room.

The sensors collect location, temperature and fill ratio info and these data help to optimize vehicle routes, or estimate the frequency of visits and fill levels. This results in a more efficient pickup process, which does not consider empty trash bins, saving fuel as well as manpower costs.

Vastum's smart waste collection systems provide municipalities with the following benefits:

  • Monitoring of fill-level, fire detection, tampering of trash cans, and GPS positioning of containers.

  • Analysis of public need for more bins in designated areas.

  • Vehicle fleet management and route planning, using the Vastum algorithm.User management for drivers, administrators, and observers via web and mobile app.

“When the strength of The People’s Network meets the utility of IoT technology, it can result in a cost-effective solution for both the customer and environment.”

—Miroslav, Heliotics


1. Up to 30% Cost Savings.

Smart waste collection with Slovakia municipality resulted in approximately 30% reduction in costs from route optimization reducing collection time and fuel costs.

2. 24/7 Real-Time Data.

Three data points collected 24/7 allows for data-driven decision making and system optimization. This includes location, temperature, and fill ratio accessible at all times.

3. 100% Elimination of Overfilled Containers.

Elimination of overfilled containers reduces littering and illegal dumping, contributing to cleaner cities and environmentally friendly systems.

4. Reduced Carbon Emissions & Environmental Impact.

Demand-driven waste collection allows waste to be collected only when and where it's needed. This helps avoid unnecessary collection trips and reduces fuel consumption, leading to lower carbon emissions.

What's next?

Vastum by Heliotics is expanding operations into additional cities, and working with strategic partners such as Elkoplast to deploy around the globe. Containers will be sold directly with sensors and solutions, opening up more opportunities for expansion. Heliotics offers a variety of additional solutions such as smart parking, utility metering, water & fuel monitoring and more.

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